_ing vision

_ing Vision

Vision-based target recognition

_ing Vision (Underscoring Vision) is a software built with Rust, capable of recognizing targets from a visual input, based on predefined parameters

_ing Vision


Target recognition Recognize targets from a visual input (e.g, screen)
Trigger Execute operations when a target is recognized
Aim-droid Move the mouse cursor onto the target with human-like movements
Blazing fast performance Target recognition takes just 7 to 19ms (roughly 100 recognitions/second)

Visual debugging at runtime

For Honor's training area

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Recognizes the enemy's guard position and copies it with blazing fast speed. The whole process of acquiring the screen data, recognizing the enemy's guard position and sending the input needed to assume the same position takes only from 4 to 7 milliseconds. The dynamic values on the screen are printed using pixel_caster.

Latest implementations


_ing Vision has now a Graphical User Interface for smart target creation and recognition testings. The shown GUI is made with the egui GUI library for Rust. A version made with iced also exists, but it currently lacks some image rendering features already present in egui.